Paperblanks Ougi Lacquer Pencil Case
Maki-e translates from Japanese to mean sprinkled pictures, a definition that perfectly captures the art form that has inspired this cover. Purchased from a private collector in Kyoto, the original maki-e lacquer box carrying this design dates back to either the Edo or Meiji period.
Elegant Storage Solutions
Capturing the flavour of Renaissance-style binding at its zenith, this intricately embellished book cover is unique, tactile and so very pleasing to the high. During this remarkable period in history, manuscripts were renowned for the exquisitely crafted covers made of fine Moroccan leather. Delicate foliage patterns were hand-tooled in gold to adorn these bindings. Brought to Europe via the flourishing trade routes to the Far and Middle East, this style of ornamentation lent a new vibrancy and lightness of design not found in Medieval manuscripts.
The timeless beauty of these antique pencil cases is brought into the present with our finely-wrought binding reproductions complimented by a memento pouch for storing the treasures of a life well lived.
Paperblanks journals are the ultimate keepsake, a time capsule documenting a period in life, to be read and re-read through current and future generations. Known for their exceptional craftsmanship, high quality, and long-lasting durability, our journals will preserve your contents for years to come.
In Paperblanks journals the laid paper, detailed embossing and texture on each Paperblanks® cover offers a tactile experience a real-life, touchable interlude in an often-untouchable world of television and other digital information.
Paperblanks journals come in a tremendous variety of beautiful cover designs from almost every era, ensuring that there is truly a journal to fit every taste. Choose your own style and create a personalized brainstorming device, a portable stress-reliever, and a unique reflection of existence.